Sunday, April 22, 2012

Into Review Feeling Turns Sour (iOS)

On Friday I was very frustrated when I got another rejection notice from Apple App Review. This is what they had to say...

"We found that your app contains content that many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, we noticed your app contains adult images of women and moaning sounds.

We encourage you to review your app content and evaluate whether you can modify the content to bring it into compliance with the Guidelines."

--Ok, they are correct, My game does in fact contain both those things. Like a bunch of other games and apps they have on the iTunes store. I had no idea quite what to think, so i replied like so....

"Hi, I am not certain what exaclty my game has failed for. There are many examples in the app store of imagery must more risky than the ones in this game. The 17+ rating of course was needed, but now I am not sure what I need to alter to make it pass review.

As I can modify the content that would not be a problem, however Modifying it without knowing what to fix is most likely a waste of time. "

--I think I stated my case fairly clearly and was excited at this point to see what they would say. though my trepidation was growing at this point. After all we are linked to reviewers who really have the power over our applications. Well very fast indeed I got a response (like 20 minutes later).

"Thank you for your response.

It would be appropriate to remove the images of women that you currently have in your app, along with the moaning sounds. "

--ooOK, So erm... WTH? What am i supposed to do with this response? It made me rather Angry I have to admit. I tried hard not to reply I really did. However I posted again...

"lol, that seems ridiculous to me.

So basically don't bother with this game whatsoever is what you are really saying. Yet the App store has all these other apps with so much worse. And most are not even games, but wallpapers and such."

See, even though I was Angry I kept my typing intact, though a bit of frustration I think was showing through at this point.

Their final (so far) reply to this took a couple of days, even though they have replied on a Sunday... Does that mean their reviewers are based approximate 12 hours ahead of my time? where is that then? Oh yes their final reply suggests that I can Appeal my Review, adn they kindly give me a link to do this.

I am gong to try and reason with this reviewer one last time before I go through the Appeals process.

And in reference Here is a few Games/Apps that i perused for several seconds in the iTues store for iPad and iPhone. I think if ya look them up yourself you will see imagery as bad as mine or worse. Yet these are published already. I personally love the Maxim Magazine App rating declaration.. haha!

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2012
You Must be at least 17 years old to download this app.
->Frequent/Intense Secual Content or Nudity

Sexy Touch #
You Must be at least 17 years old to download this app.
->Frequent/Intense Secual Content or Nudity

Maxim Magazine
->Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor
->Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive Themes
->Frequent/Intense Secual Content or Nudity
->Infrequent/Mild Alchohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References

Laters All, I will post again when I have more information,
Da Voodoochief

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