Sunday, January 26, 2014

Heroic Simon will be distilled game #3

Although I have to bring my current games up to the 7.0 apple SDK standard (which means the Marmalade 7.1 SDK), I have decided after much designing which game will complete my series of three distilled games. It was a tough choice and I had 7 designs going into this last phase, only one could be chosen.

Here below is my mockup of the screen. this is what I gave to the artist who will be working on this game.

As you can see, this is my mockup, and the one that the artist will use to create something spectacular, something I am not capable of. We did discuss some ideas of how we could make this look not only interesting, but also make it alive, something I did in both the other distilled games.

But first I need to upgrade Heroic Buttons and Heroic Patterns, and then get Heroic Patterns through Apple testing.

Da Voodoochief


  1. Are you going to run into any problems with copyright calling it Simon?

  2. Now that is a damned good question and one I am not sure about presently. I did some research and I cannot use the look of Simon or even the same colors. As for the name I am not sure, as it all comes from the game 'Simple Simon says' and that is an old old game... Not quite sure where to look, but I should in case I have to change the name, though it is a name I really want for people to intuitively know.
