Monday, November 21, 2011

Sony Announces Jak & Daxter

I am very excited tonight, as finally Sony has made the whole thing public. We have tirelessly worked on this project for about a year now and it has been one of the most technicaly challenging titles we have ever done. And for me at Mass Media to say such a thing is gonna be very rare. As we have done some other very difficult and technical conversions over the years.

Here is a link to the Kotaku article Jak & Daxter

Here is the link to the 1Up.Com article  JAK & Daxter

The second link has the best article simply because it mentions Mass Media. Naughty dog did a fantastic job both technically and creatively to produce these games. We/I am very happy that we got the chance to convert them all to the Playstation 3. Now a whole slew of new people will be able to enjoy how good they are to play and look at. Naughty Dog really know and knew how to push hardware to it's limits and this made the conversion a real doozy. A challenge that Mass Medians all put their heart and soul into.

I am very proud of the job my team did on this set of games. I really hope the buying public also buy and enjoy these games as much as i think they deserve to be.

Da Voodoochief

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